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partial installation view - "Stories of the Real and the Unreal Worlds" ,2022
installation view of "Little Red Riding Hood as a Crime Scene 2" , 2022
Wolf- hybrid animal from"Little Red Riding Hood as a Crime Scene 2", 2022
detail from installation "Stories of the Real and unreal Worlds", 2022
'Regeneration" , installation view, 2022
Mudra, cast paper
Original "Little Red Riding Hood as a Crime Scene", 2010, Schuylkill Environment Center
Original "", 2010, Schuylkill Environment Center
partial installation view of "Fairytales Revisited- Mirror, Mirror" a retelling of Snow White, Abington Sculpture Garden
wild boar, from "Fairytales Revisited", Abington Sculpture Garden
Mirrored Knot in Tree with Mirrored house, Fairytales Revisited, Miror, Mirror", Abington Sculpture Center
Looking up from inside of mirrored house from Fairytales, Revisted", Abington Sculpture Center
Alice and the Phoenix"" , 2021, enlarged Alice from my stop motion animation film "Alice in Dystopia", Coral Springs Museum
"Metamorphosis" enlarged figure from my "Alice in Dystopia" stop motion video
installation view - "Elegy for Tesla", an animatronic installation with sound and motion, Rowan University Gallery,
Installation view2, "Elegy for Tesla", animatronic installation with sound and motion, Rowan University Art Gallery
"Young Nicola Tesla" from installation "Elegy for Tesla", animatronic installation with sound and motion, Rowan University Gallery
Installation view- older Tesla and his pigeons - "Elegy for Tesla", animatronic installation with sound and motion, Rowan University Art Gallery
installation view -T.S. Elliot's Four quartets", Marginal Utility Gallery, Philadelphia - with motion sensors and sound reciting excerpt of his poem
installation view -T.S. Elliot's Four quartets", Marginal Utility Gallery, Philadelphia with motion sensors and sound reciting excerpt of his poem
installation view -T.S. Elliot's Four quartets", Marginal Utility Gallery, Philadelphia with motion sensors and sound reciting excerpt of his poem
Second room from T.S. Elliot's Four Quartet installation, with videoin shape of moon
river/nerve - installation from MIno Japan
Installation from Mino Japan
Field of forms, 20 bronzes forming a field of hybrid forms to walk through
Field of forms, 20 bronzes forming a field of hybrid forms to walk through
Torso from Field of forms, 20 bronzes forming a field of hybrid forms to walk through
Field of forms, 20 bronzes forming a field of hybrid forms to walk through
Field of forms, 20 bronzes forming a field of hybrid forms to walk through
Pre-verbal Objects installation
Veil of Forms installation
installation view - stories of the Real and Unreal worlds" with family Portrait sculpture and Regeneration in background, 2022